
Emergency Services
Fire 911
(Also dial this number for after hours Public Works problems.)
Emergency Medical
Kaiser Emergency
975 Sereno Drive
Vallejo CA 94589
Sutter Solano Emergency
300 Hospital Drive
Vallejo CA 94589
Solano-Napa Pet Emergency Clinic
4437 Central Place, B3
Fairfield CA 94534
Poison Control
National Child Abuse
800-422-4453 (800 4 A CHILD)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
800-273-8255 English
888-628-9454 Espanol
Your Mobile Benicia Encyclopedia
Welcome to eBenicia, a web directory built and maintained by Benicians.
Our mission is to support and promote our community’s quality of life by providing an unabridged web directory where businesses, service providers, organizations and people, can connect, easily and quickly.
We know how difficult it is to move to a new town and struggle to find who to go to for the services you need. Then there are those who live such busy lives they don’t have time to connect to their community and know where to go to relax, have fun or entertain those who might be in town to visit.
This is why we created the eBenicia web directory. We at eBenicia have been living and working in Benicia for over 30 years, and know it well. We love this town for good reason. Benicia is blessed to be a town of talented artists, caring service providers, and savvy business people. If you know where to look you can find just about everything you could want or need right here, without ever having to fight traffic or search for another parking place in a lot where you can lose your car among the masses.
Finally, eBenicia's staff are at youth events, mixers, charity fundraisers, school functions, art & music events... and if we can't be there personally, we do our best to help in the background or donate to the event's success. Because we know that Benicia is a community of families that are there when you need a little extra help.
Resources in helpful groups: